Monday, January 23, 2012

CENTRAL COAST - Wamberal - surf - 20 January 2012

i have an injured foot so i am out of the water still.

I went down the beach to watch the dawn patrol surf.

The waves were short and fast to start but quickly filled with the incoming tide.

I moved to a shallower sand bank further down the beach and got some shots of some friends - Micheal, Paul, Tim and Jeckle.

Jeckle was a wave magnet that morning. The better waves just seem to form up in front of him.

CENTRAL COAST - Wamberal Lagoon - kayak twilight - 18 January 2012

It was slightly windy when i started and i was paddling into the wind.

I paddled a short distance and came across a group of roosting cormorants.

I continued to the far side of the lake and out of the wind on the Forresters side. The lagoon was serene and peaceful. there were a number of birds and croaking frogs.

The paddle back into the sunset was awesomely pretty.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

CENTRAL COAST - Wamberal - SURF- 13 janaury 2012

Recovering from my foot injury, I sat on the beach and watched the glassy waves breaking along the beach at a heap of different peaks.

CENTRAL COAST - Avoca Lagoon - kayak - 12 january 2012

I went for a twlight kayak around Avoca lagoon.

Surprisingly, there were no other kayakers around. There were only the sounds of lapping water and bird cries.

The birdlife was abundant. I was able to paddle reasonably close to the various birds - godwits. ducks, swamphens and cormorants.

Monday, January 2, 2012

CENTRAL COAST - Strickland State Forest - Strickland Falls Cabbage Palm Trail - HIKE - 31 december 2011

The day was looking cool and overcast for a summer's day.

I drove to Strickland State Forest down Strickland Forest Road an parked at the Banksia Picnic area. There were picnic and wood bbqs and compost toilet.

I took the track towars Stricland Falls. The track was easy to follow . It wound its way on a sandy track through overgrown vegetation and pass rocks and cliff faces. Eventually, a sign was reached and the falls were only a short distance more to walk.

The falls were small and fell only a short distance. Still, it was very quiet and peaceful. A nice spot to rest awhile and take in the scenery. The rocks around the waterfall were very slippery. I had one big slide when scramb;ing back from the falls.

I then followed the Cabbage Tree Trail which was easy walking with a steady upward incline about ten minutes after passing the turnoff for the Stoney Creek Trail. The trail ended at the Banksia picnic area.

There was also a lookout over a part of Gosford near the picnic area.

Note: the Cabbage Tree trail would be good for mountain biking.


 4 MARCH I woke and unloaded and tidied the van. I drove Jacinta to the Hens party for Chloe at Glenworth Valley. Back home and I tidi...